Sains Malaysiana 52(11)(2023): 3135-3145


Glucomannan Content Stability of Eddoe Taro Tuber Based on Parametric, Non-Parametric, and Ammi Analysis

(Kestabilan Kandungan Glukomanan Ubi Taro Eddoe Berdasarkan Analisis Parametrik, Bukan Parametrik dan Ammi)




1Research Center for Horticultural and Estate Crops, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Cibinong Science Center, Jl. Raya Bogor KM 46, Cibinong

Kabupaten Bogor 16915, Indonesia

2Research Center for Applied Microbiology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Cibinong Science Center, Jl. Raya Bogor KM 46, Cibinong

Kabupaten Bogor 16915, Indonesia

3Department Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University, Jl Meranti Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680,  Indonesia


Diserahkan: 28 April 2023/Diterima: 24 Oktober 2023



The consumption of taro tuber as an energy source is widespread due to its composition of complex carbohydrates, including starch and non-starch polysaccharides. Glucomannan is one of the non-starch polysaccharides found in taro tuber and has been shown to be a dietary fiber with positive effects on health and beauty. The development of new varieties of taro tuber with high glucomannan content is challenging and requires significant effort in order to produce high-quality food. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the stability of glucomannan content among 14 eddoe taro tuber genotypes using parametric, non-parametric, and AMMI methods, and to determine genotypes with high glucomannan stability. The experiments were conducted in three different agro-climatic locations using a randomized full-block design. Glucomannan content of taro tuber was analyzed from a mixture of corms and cormlets harvested 5 months after planting following the gravimetric method. The combined analysis of variance for glucomannan content showed significant effects of the environment, genotypes, and G×E interaction. Genotypes S7, S35, S15, S18, S17, S34, and S24 produced glucomannan levels higher than the overall average, but genotypes S7, S17, S18, and S34 consistently displayed higher glucomannan content than the average in each experimental site. Parametric and non-parametric measurements provided comparable results. Based on parametric stability analysis, genotype S34 showed high-rank stability (Wᵢ², σ²ᵢ, CVi value). Additionally, genotypes S34 and S18 demonstrated high stability according to bᵢ, and genotypes S17 exhibited stability according to the s²dᵢ value. Non-parametric stability analysis showed that S34 was the most stable genotypes base on Nassar Huehn, Kang-Rangksum, and Thennarasu theories. Genotypes S7 was also identified as stable, according to Kang-Rangksum. The AMMI analysis indicated that genotypes S34, S17, and S7 were high glucomannan yielders, with S34 displaying wide adaptation and S17 and S7 having specific location adaptation.


Keywords: Adaptation; environment; non-starch polysaccharides; selection; superior genotype



Penggunaan ubi keladi sebagai punca tenaga semakin meluas kerana komposisi karbohidrat kompleks yang terkandung meliputi kanji dan bukan-kanji polisakarida. Glucomannan termasuk kelas bukan-kanji-polisakarida yang terdapat dalam ubi keladi dan mempunyai bukti sebagai serat makanan yang mempunyai kesan positif terhadap kesihatan dan kecantikan. Penciptaan varieti baru tanaman keladi dengan kandungan glukomanan yang tinggi adalah mencabar dan memerlukan usaha yang besar untuk menghasilkan makanan yang berkualiti tinggi. Oleh itu, penyelidikan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kestabilan kandungan glukomanan dalam kalangan 14 genotip ubi keladi  eddoe menggunakan kaedah parametrik, tak-parametrik dan AMMI serta untuk menentukan genotip dengan kestabilan glukomanan yang tinggi. Percubaan telah dijalankan di tiga lokasi dengan agro-iklim berbeza menggunakan reka bentuk blok rawak lengkap. Kandungan glukomanan ubi keladi dianalisis daripada campuran corm dan cormlet yang dituai 5 bulan selepas di tanam mengikut kaedah gravimetrik. Gabungan analisis varians bagi kandungan glukomanan menunjukkan kesan ketara terhadap sekitaran, genotip dan interaksi G×E. Genotip S7, S35, S15, S18, S17, S34 dan S24 menghasilkan tahap glukomanan lebih tinggi daripada purata keseluruhan, tetapi genotip S7, S17, S18 dan S34 secara tekal menunjukkan kandungan glukomanan yang lebih tinggi daripada purata di setiap tapak percubaan. Pengukuran parametrik dan tak-parametrik memberikan hasil yang setanding. Berdasarkan analisis kestabilan parametrik, genotip S34 menunjukkan kestabilan peringkat tinggi (Wᵢ², σ²ᵢ, CVi-value). Selain itu, genotip S34 dan S18 menunjukkan kestabilan yang tinggi mengikut nilai bᵢ dan genotip S17 menunjukkan kestabilan mengikut nilai s²dᵢ. Analisis kestabilan tak-parametrik menunjukkan bahawa S34 adalah genotip paling stabil berdasarkan teori Nassar Huehn, Kang-Rangksum dan Thennarasu. Genotip S7 juga dikenal pasti sebagai stabil mengikuti Kang-Rangksum. Analisis AMMI menunjukkan bahawa genotip S34, S17 dan S7 adalah hasil glukomanan yang tinggi, dengan S34 memiliki kemampuan adaptasi sekitaran yang luas sedangkan S17 dan S7 mempunyai penyesuaian khusus.


Kata kunci: Genotip unggul; pemilihan; penyesuaian; sekitaran; tak-berkanji polisakarida



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